Carbon Reduction Plan
(Spyrosoft Ltd)
Supplier name: Spyrosoft Ltd
Publication date: 03/07/2023
Commitment to achieving Net Zero
Following a science-based reduction target approach, Spyrosoft Ltd is committed to reducing at least 90% of Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions by 2030. All remaining emissions will be offset where avoidance/reduction isn’t possible.
Revision commentary applicable to this publication
Spyrosoft Ltd provides IT services to our clients in the UK, on a remote working basis. We are part of Spyrosoft group, named by the Financial Times as one of the fastest-growing IT services providers in Europe. We anticipate continuous strong year-on-year growth which may mean that our carbon emissions increase as our organisation continues to evolve.
Our environmental commitments and targets are set out within our Environmental Policy and associated protocols for operating in a sustainable manner. For clarity, in this document, all emissions data provided is focused on Spyrosoft Ltd UK operations, rather than our global operations.
At the end of 2022 we have grown to 25 members of staff and relocated during the year to our new purpose-built serviced offices at Smartbase, Target Way, Aviation Park West, Christchurch, Dorset.
As a result, we anticipate that our carbon reduction activities will need to be increasingly targeted to enable us to continue to evidence a year-on-year reduction, regardless of the increase in our operations.
For 2022 CDP ( reporting we decided to re-baseline our Carbon Emissions Footprint, having now appointed, and worked with an Environmental Consultant, and adopted the Carbon Essentials software tooling to help us accurately capture emissions data in line with our company year-end financial reporting. Our Carbon reporting period has therefore been revised to cover the full calendar year, starting 01 January, and ending on 31 December.
Baseline Emissions Footprint Year Ending 2022
Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year 2022 (01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022)
Baseline Year 2022 Emissions (tnCO2e)
Total Emissions: 61.778
Scope 1: 0
Scope 2: 0
Scope 3: 61.778
Purchased goods and services 14.449
Capital goods 1.9
Waste 0.189
Business travels 14.698
Employee commuting / homeworking 30.54
See Appendix 1 for Baseline Year 2022 Emissions (as reported in Climate Essentials).
Emissions reduction taEmissions reduction strategies and targetsrgets
To achieve Net Zero by a reduction of at least 90% of Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions by 2030, reduction strategies have been put in place with measurable targets where applicable.
Using the Science-based Target approach, we forecast that our carbon emissions will decrease to approximately 6.1778 tnCO2e by 2030 through our commitment to sustainable behaviours as detailed below. We also aim to remove any residual carbon emissions through appropriate offset arrangements.
See Appendix 2 for Net Zero Pathway to 2030, updated to include 2023 forecast reductions (as reported in Climate Essentials).
General Reduction Strategies
(G1) We will focus on actual reductions in our emissions.
(G2) Minimise waste by evaluating operational practices and ensuring they are as efficient as possible to reduce environmental impact.
(G3) Raise awareness amongst employees on environmental issues, to support and encourage ideas and suggestions for improved environmental performance.
(G4) To address remaining emissions, with all avoidance/reduction routes exhausted, we will invest in proprietary, nature-based carbon removal offset solutions that will directly remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere.
(G5) Use resources including water, energy, and other natural resources responsibly.
(G6) Further promote and invest in technologies, work practices and processes that provide alternatives to business travel, such as Microsoft Teams for meetings.
(G7) Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to our organization.
Scope 3 – Transport Targets
An estimated pledged reduction of 5,899.6 kgCO2e Year on Year.
(T1) Introduction of a Cycle to Work Scheme, adopted by 3 employees, an estimated saving of 2,442.5 kgCO2e
(T2) Reduction of business domestic flights by 2 round trips, an estimated saving of 473.5 kgCO2e
(T3) Reduction of business short-haul flights by 5 round trips, an estimated saving of 2,899.7 kgCO2e
(T4) A 30% reduction in business travel emissions by use of public transport instead of taxis / cars or by switching to electric, an estimated saving of 70.1 kgCO2e
(T5) A 30% reduction in business travel emissions by cycling / walking instead of using bus / tube, an estimated saving of 13.8 kgCO2e
Scope 3 – Products and Services Targets
An estimated pledged reduction of 3,969.6 kgCO2e Year on Year.
(PS1) Implementation of 1 employee meatless day / week, an estimated saving of 623.3 kgCO2e
(PS2) Buy organic food 20% of the time, an estimated saving of 66.8 kgCO2e
(PS3) Buy seasonal food 50% of the time, an estimated saving of 89 kgCO2e
(PS4) Engage with suppliers for Postal & Courier Services to reduce emissions, an estimated saving of 34.8 kgCO2e
(PS5) Engage with suppliers for Accounting, Bookkeeping and Auditing Services to reduce emissions, an estimated saving of 723.6 kgCO2e
(PS6) Engage with suppliers for Telecommunications Services to reduce emissions, an estimated saving of 18.9 kgCO2e
(PS7) Reduce homeworking emissions by switch off devices after work, 15 employees, an estimated saving of 11.9 kgCO2e
(PS8) Reduce homeworking emissions through Green Electricity tariffs, 5 employees, an estimated saving of 177.8 kgCO2e
(PS9) Reduce homeworking emissions through Green Gass tariffs, 5 employees, an estimated saving of 1,751.8 kgCO2e
(PS10) Reduce homeworking emissions by turning heating down by 1degC, 15 employees, an estimated saving of 462 kgCO2e
(PS11) Reduce homeworking emissions by switching to more efficient appliances, 5 employees, an estimated saving of 9.9 kgCO2e
Scope 3 – Waste Targets
An estimated pledged reduction of 111.1 kgCO2e Year on Year.
(W1) Reusable utensils in the workplace, an estimated saving of 0.6 kgCO2e
(W2) Compost food waste, an estimated saving of 55.8 kgCO2e
(W3) Avoid single use dishes and cutlery, an estimated saving of 1.6 kgCO2e
(W4) Recycle electronic waste, an estimated saving of 1.4 kgCO2e
(W5) Reduce the use of paper, an estimated saving of 3 kgCO2e
(W6) Setup of a recycling station, an estimated saving of 34.8 kgCO2e
(W7) Reduce purchases with plastic wrapping, an estimated saving of 13.9 kgCO2e
Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
The following environmental management measures have been completed or implemented.
We have:
- Updated our Environmental Policy and provided training to our team relating to recycling, power consumption reduction, and ethical / sustainable behaviours.
- Eliminated as many single use plastics from our premises as possible.
- Made a commitment to local procurement to eliminate haulage emissions and transportation impacts.
- Migrated to a remoter working policy to enable our team to undertake their role from home, and providing our team with software, hardware, and other items to enable this.
In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:
- Incentives for the management of climate related issues, including attainment of targets
- Engage with our value chain on climate related issue
- Introduce climate related requirements to our suppliers as part of our purchasing process
- For business travel we will capture related emissions based on a usage allocation. For services requiring on-site customer visits, emissions will be recorded and allocated to the customer based on the number of visits undertaken per month.
- Obtaining ISO 14001 accreditation by 2030.
- Committing to a Zero Waste goal: By 2030, we will reuse or recycle 100% of e- waste, as well as all office furniture and eliminate use of single-use plastics.
Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with GOV.UK Procurement Policy Note 06/21: Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts, with associated guidance and reporting standards for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.
Energy emissions have been accounted for using a Location-Based Approach. All emissions data has been calculated using the Climate Essentials tool, which uses The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the Board of Directors.
Signed on behalf of Spyrosoft Ltd:

Andrew Radcliffe,
Managing Director, Spyrosoft UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 059455
APPENDIX 1 – Baseline Year 2022 Emissions (Climate Essentials)

APPENDIX 2 – Reduction Plan: Net Zero Pathway to 2030