Product Management

We strategise digital innovations.

Who we are

We are a dedicated business unit to manage your product’s lifecycle

We are digitising any idea into profitable solutions. with our holistic, data-driven strategic planning, execution and risk management. Our people have been in the product design industry for over 15 years and we know what to focus on to set advantages over your competition and maximise your product growth. With our product managers, product owners and business snalysts we make your vision a reality.

How we work

Outstanding product discovery is the first step to outstanding product delivery

In Continuous Product Discovery the risk related to the value, usability, and feasibility is addressed before the start of development of each feature. The risk is addressed by testing the hypothesis early enough with users and customers. Design of new features is done at least one sprint ahead of development.

what we do

From idea to product

We cover the whole product lifecycle, giving everyone in your business a clear picture of what, why and how you’re building. The set of essential product management elements include:


Business analytics


Market research


Business goals identification


Business needs and requirements


User personas


Unique value proposition


Product features


Solution ideation and its requirements


Value maximisation


Growth and scalability potential


Acquisition and retention management


User testing

Meet our expert

Bartosz Radecki
Head of Product Management

I’m a Product Specialist, taking on roles encompassing business analysis, product management, and product ownership. With 14 years of experience, my involvement spans a variety of projects, ranging from enhancing existing solutions to designing and implementing complex systems. Throughout my career, I’ve worked across diverse domains including telecommunications, media, insurance, vindication, defense & security, among others. My passion lies in aligning products closely with user needs. My greatest fulfillment comes from addressing my clients’ challenges and simplifying their lives.

Bartosz Radecki


Interested in collaborating with me? Get in touch.

Bartosz Radecki

Bartosz Radecki

Head of Product Management

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