Environmental Sustainability

We have a clear Environmental Policy committing us to ethical behaviours. We have recently engaged an Environmental Consultancy firm to assist us in gaining ISO 14001 accreditation, to further facilitate sustainability across our organisation.

Approach to creating a positive environmental impact

Within induction, all staff are provided with our Environmental Policy, and training on how to adopt sustainable behaviours while in our employment. Our policy includes the following principles:

  • Eliminating the use of plastics such as through disposable single-use beverage cups, single-use plastic carrier bags and other items
  • Separating waste into the appropriate bins for subsequent recycling within the office
  • Using car share or cycling to work rather than personal transport
  • Switching off power including for lighting and computer hardware when not required
  • Conserving water by turning off taps and not filling kettles fully for small numbers of hot beverages.

We will continue to operate in an ethical and sustainable way, identifying measures we can take to practically improve upon our environmental performance. We3 will continue to deliver mandatory refresher training to our team to ensure that environmental sustainability remains prioritised across our organisation.

Working in partnership to attain net carbon zero emissions by 2030

We engaged our Environmental Consultants to collaboratively develop our Carbon Reduction Plan for the first time in 2021. A key aspect of this process has been to measure our baseline carbon emissions, and then create a firm and published commitment to reduce these year-on-year. We have established a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

A key part of this process has been creating our Carbon Reduction Plan, which is published here. This commits us to evidencing year-on-year carbon reduction targets, working towards full carbon neutrality by 2030.

Practical actions taken to reduce negative environmental impacts

We will continue to offset our carbon emissions as far as possible, through the purchase of carbon credits. We will also continue to partner with the Woodland Trust to contribute towards their national reforestation programme, providing funds to assist in the purchase of trees to replenish the local environment and work towards emissions offsetting.

We have significantly reduced international travel to our Parent company in Poland, instead using Zoom and Teams meetings to eradicate the negative impacts of air travel. We are encouraging our team to optimise use of digital technology to minimise emissions arising from client site visits.

We have achieved our commitment to a paperless office, eliminating paper-based note taking in preference for digital working.

Details of carbon footprint consumption reporting

We have engaged our Environmental Consultants to work in partnership with us each year until 2030 (and beyond), to measure our annual emissions and ensure that we are upholding our commitments to evidenced, tangible and reportable year-on-year reductions.

We will both measure and report against our’ net zero by 2030 target’ on our company website each year (November 2022 will be our first fully measured and benchmarked reporting against our baseline).

Environmental Management Plan

  • Environmental policy statement
  • Environmental management plan
  • Emergency planning
  • Pollution prevention and control
  • Waste Management
  • Communication and training
  • Compliance monitoring and records.
  • Environmental Policy Statement

Spyrosoft recognises that environmental issues are of fundamental importance both in their own right and as part of a successful and responsible business strategy. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that the environmental impact of our operations will be minimised by preserving, protecting and improving the environment, and by the prevention of pollution.

As Managing Director, I am ultimately accountable for our environmental performance, with responsibility for implementation being delegated through line management. I will ensure that the necessary resources are made available to achieve successful environmental management throughout the business.

We will undertake a full analysis of all its environmental aspects and impacts, in order to develop a comprehensive environmental management system. This system will then be used to ensure, as a minimum, that legal requirements are met, along with industry best practice and the Company’s own standards. In addition, this analysis will also allow the setting of specific targets and objectives in order to ensure ongoing continuous improvement.

Spyrosoft will ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account throughout its sphere of operations and in doing so expects the full co-operation and commitment of its staff, employees, subcontractors and suppliers in meeting the requirements of this Policy. Spyrosoft will undertake a complete formal review of the environmental management system annually. This annual review will include for the measurement of progress against set targets and objectives.

A copy of this Environmental Policy, and all subsequent revisions, will be prominently displayed at all sites and workplaces, and will be made available to all interested parties.

Signed by: Andrew Radcliffe, Managing Director

Last review: May, 2021

Next review due: November, 2021

Environmental management plan


This Environmental Management Plan has been adopted to continue our commitment to the environment and at the same time provide the necessary controls to ensure compliance with environmental legislation. The Environmental Procedures encompassed by this Management Plan will pro-actively cover all aspects and environmental impact of Spyrosoft activities, and will deliver a comprehensive, workable and auditable Management System for environmental protection throughout.


Andrew Radcliffe is the person having particular accountability for this policy, and, through his line management, is responsible for its implementation.

Our Environmental Consultants will monitor and audit compliance with the Environmental Procedures set out within this plan.


Emergency Planning: Ensuring a comprehensive, workable and up to date emergency action plan is in place. Pollution Prevention and control: Ensuring the active and effective control of all sources of pollution.

Waste Management: Ensuring the segregation of waste materials and duty of care compliance and recycling. Environmental Communication and Training: Ensuring requirements are communicated to all and active support is encouraged.

Compliance Monitoring and Records: Ensures records are kept in compliance with this system and statutory requirements.

The above procedures will be working documents.

Emergency planning


The purpose of this procedure is to detail the actions to be taken in emergency situations. This procedure also details the responsibilities and actions to be taken in controlling spillage.


The scope of this procedure includes:

Actions to be taken in the event of fire.

Actions to be taken in the event of spillage or leakage of materials.

Actions to be taken in emergency situations.

Emergency drill practices

Emergency equipment and data required in the event of emergency.


The person in control of the site has the overall responsibility for ensuring emergency procedures are practised and adhered to and that adequate information is available.

Fire procedure

On discovering a fire:

a) Ensure all personnel in the local vicinity are aware of the situation.

b) Raise the alarm in accordance with local procedure, provide as much information as possible with regard to substances, which are or could become involved.

c) Only attempt to fight the fire if you are trained, competent and it is safe to do so.


e) Should the evacuation alarm be sounded report to the designated muster point for a roll call.

Spillage control

On discovering a spillage or leakage:

a) Identify if possible the nature of the substance.

b) If spillage material is hazardous ensure other parties are aware and removed to a safe distance. If in doubt treat the substance as hazardous.

c) If necessary raise the alarm in accordance with local procedure.

d) Attempt to contain the spillage/ leakage if safe to do so.

e) Make every attempt to prevent the spillage/ leakage entering watercourses.

f) Clear up spillage/ leakage with suitable materials and dispose of in accordance with COSHH data / local site procedures in order to prevent environmental contamination. g) Should the evacuation alarm be sounded report to the designated point for roll call.

Action to be taken in emergency situations

a) In the event of an emergency situation a designated person must take control to ensure the safety of all personnel, and the following actions take place.

b) If safe to do so attempt to minimise the hazard and control the situation.

c) Ensure site emergency alarms are activated and relevant authorities have been informed (if required).

d) If local or site evacuation is required all personnel to attend pre-arranged muster points for a roll call to take place.

Emergency drill practices

In order that any major practice drill can be carried out:

a) Attendance records of all personnel on site must be available.

b) All personnel on site must be made aware of emergency procedures, the location of muster points, the alarm system and actions to be taken in the event of an emergency.

c) A suitable means of raising the alarm must be in place.

d) A competent person appointed to take control in the event of an emergency situation. Emergency drill practices should take place periodically and be assessed by competent observers who will record the outcomes of such drills and implement any necessary improvements required to ensure that emergency procedures can be safely and effectively carried out.

Emergency equipment and data

a) The data which could be required in an emergency situation would include:-

A comprehensive, up to date attendance record.

COSHH records for substances that have, or may become involved in the incident.

Detailed site plans of how and where, and in what quantity substances are stored.

Emergency telephone contact numbers.

Drainage plans

b) Equipment could include:-

Fire fighting equipment, spillage control media, emergency bunding material, specialised PPE, emergency deluge showers, breathing apparatus.

This will be site or area specific and be appropriate to the hazard.

Pollution prevention and control

The purpose of this procedure is to pro-actively and effectively prevent and control all potential sources of pollution or nuisance created by work activities in accordance with our Duty of Care responsibilities.


The scope of this procedure covers the prevention and control of:

  • Discharges to water
  • Ground contamination
  • Releases to atmosphere.

Noise. In order to minimise environmental impact, from work activities, pro-active, detailed planning of scope of work, substances and procedures will be carried out, and effective controls implemented.

Discharges to water

a) Identify substances and possible environmental impact that may ensue any unplanned release. Where possible substitute substance and ensure correct handling, storage, use and disposal, in accordance with Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet. (MSDS).

b) No substances shall be directly discharged into watercourses, including drains.

Ground contamination

a) Ground contamination by substances must be prevented by using bunded storage, drip trays under static plant and ensuring all mobile plant is regularly inspected for leaks. Contaminated land may need to excavated in order to prevent washing of substances into ground water system. Contaminated spoil must be disposed of in accordance with local waste regulations.

b) Drip trays need to be emptied regularly into a suitable receptacle so that correct disposal of contents can be controlled.

c) Suitable materials for spillage control must be utilised. Such materials must then be disposed of in accordance with local waste regulations.

Releases to atmosphere

a) There will be no incineration of any waste material.

b) Minimising the frequency and duration of vehicle movements will reduce vehicle emissions. All vehicles and plant, will be well maintained and turned off when not in use. c) Where welding operations produce significant emissions, Local Exhaust Ventilation will be used to filter out noxious substances, in line with COSHH regulations. c) Work activities where dust could be produced need to be eliminated or controlled. Methods include vacuuming instead of sweeping, placing waste dust in sealed containers, dust suppression ie. damping down and filters on extractors.

Waste management

The purpose of this procedure is to detail the responsibilities for, and methods by which the disposal of waste produced is accomplished.


The scope of this procedure extends to all known and identified waste products produced and covers:

  • Reduction of waste
  • Energy conservation
  • The segregation of re-usable and recyclable materials
  • Compliance with duty of care, including the maintenance of the necessary records.


It will be the Partner’s responsibility to ensure that the following controls are implemented.

Reduction of waste

All waste will be kept to a minimum by pre-planning and recycling.

Energy conservation

All electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use. All plant and equipment will be turned off when not in use. Heat conservation within buildings will be monitored and optimum savings achieved.

Segregation of waste

An assessment of waste materials will be carried out in order to identify all re-usable or recyclable waste. This will then be segregated accordingly. Separate storage for paper, cardboard, wood, metal and waste oils for recycling should be utilised. All such waste will be re-used on site where possible, or sent for recycling via a licensed waste contractor. Licensed waste contractor will transfer only materials that are suitable for landfill to a licensed landfill site. All contaminated waste, chemical waste and sewage will be disposed of as special waste via a licensed waste contractor.

Duty of care & records

Only selected licensed waste contractors will be appointed to remove any waste products from site to licensed tips. All such contractors will be audited to ensure compliance with duty of care requirements. All such transfers shall be fully documented with waste transfer slips. These slips shall be kept on file for inspection, and record of transfer of duty of care to the license holder

Communication and training

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure active support for the Environmental Management System throughout the workforce, to be administered by effective communication and training.


Communication and training will be delivered through:

  • Induction training
  • Toolbox talks
  • Notice boards
  • Environmental news flashes.

Induction training

General and site specific environmental training will be given to all employees and contractors. This information is contained within induction, which is tailored to meet the requirements of each individual location. Toolbox talks Our continuous programme of toolbox talks will address, and provide information and training on current environmental issues.

Notice boards

Environmental policy, procedures and information will be prominently displayed to ensure that all employees are to up to date with site rules and instructions. Environmental news flashes Environmental news flashes are circulated to all sites, in order to highlight a particular aspect of environmental concern, which may stem from lessons learnt on other sites. This then allows for contingency plans to be drawn up pro-actively, and implemented throughout the company

Compliance monitoring and records

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure comprehensive, up to date and readily retrievable records are available. This will give auditable proof of monitoring activities and compliance with statutory requirements and with the Environmental Management Plan.

The scope of this procedure is to ensure adequate site documentation is:

  • Available
  • Retrievable
  • Credible.

Availability on site

Access to all documentation relating to the Environmental Management Plan and associated procedures including records contained therein, must be available on site.


The storage of all environmental documentation must be Systematic, and be within the scope of the Health Safety & Environmental Management System.


All registers, records and documentation must be accurate, legible, comprehensive and up to date.